Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Junior Senior Night

That is exactly what I thought when I saw these beautiful people. They were so stunning that their presence brighten the room the banquet was held. Every school year, LCHS tributes the Juniors and Seniors with a banquet to celebrate them, and to honor the seniors who will be graduating.

 A few students had dates which was encouraged.

Maya and Nevin

Jacques and McKaylah

Others came to the banquet by themselves or in a group

McKaylah, Serena and Monica


The banquet started at 7 pm. The students had the chance to meet with each other to showcase their beautiful attires as well as catch up. Shortly we prayed and we were served appetizers. The main course followed shortly and then dessert; the food was delicious. 

We had a superb kitchen crew who prepared the food and the sophomore class did the serving. Thanks to these people and without them, the banquet wouldn't have been a success. Also, special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Leland for orchestrating the event.
Etien, Aleyna, Shelby and Michael (Banquet servers)
Heidi Morton, the guest speaker shared some words of encouragement. She spoke about change and the changes she went through from leaving her job in LCHS to getting married. She said change can be scary and she described a time when her husband traveled to take care of some family matter. She was lonely, missed her friends and family and was livid with God because of the changes she wasn't accustomed to. After many days of been angry, she allowed God to speak to her and He reminded her of 2 Cor. 12:10 where Paul wrote "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." She also read some of her wedding cards and found comfort in one particularly which encouraged her to remember that Christ will always be her first love despite all the changes she will be going through.

She concluded her speech by encouraging the seniors to put Christ first as they prepare to leave Lustre to wherever God calls them and for the juniors to be diligent in pursuing Christ as they enter their senior year.
Heidi Morton with the senior class of 2014/2015
Geneva and Evan shared  the senior prophecy which by the way was very hilarious. The prophesy is a fictional story of what is suppose to happen to the seniors when they graduate High School. Mack Young also shared the Senior Will which is something the seniors give to the teachers, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors. My favorite was the senior class gave Mr. Butler 'The Definition of Art'. Go figure that one.
Jacques, Nevin and Silas

Mawin, Chen, Silas and Nevin

Also congratulations to Joyce a.k.a Fang Li who got inducted into the National Honor Society for her academic excellence, leadership and service commitment. Joyce is always studying even when the dorm goes out for a dorm activity. She is the dorm nerd but we love her. 1 Cor. 1:20 says "Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

I pray that Joyce and others like her will not only seek earthly knowledge but knowledge and wisdom from knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Congratulations Joyce on your academic excellence